Additional Resources

Here you can find links to additional information, a timeline, and the contract & outline put together at the start of this project.

Dr. David Whisnant’s blog is a great resource. Dr. Whisnant grew up across the street from Dr. Beaver and later taught for thirty-five years at various universities, in addition to doing research and writing four books. He has spent many years researching and writing about the history of Enka and Western North Carolina, currently maintaining a blog about those topics.

To learn more about the various sources used for this project, you may visit the UNC Asheville Special Collections; Buncombe County Special Collections (search “Enka”); or the Western Regional Archives.

The You Know You Grew Up in Asheville When. . . Facebook group is a great resource with many current or former residents of Asheville that grew up in the city. They share photographs and memories of their time living in Asheville. Many of those group members offered the author of this project with many resources for the research to be conducted.
